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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Properly Apply Granular Dust Control Products on Roads and Surfaces

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Properly Apply Granular Dust Control Products on Roads and Surfaces

Justin Rollin

Are you tired of dealing with dusty roads and surfaces that not only affect the cleanliness of your commercial or industrial property but also pose health and safety risks? In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of applying granular dust control products to effectively suppress dust and keep your roads and surfaces in top condition. 

By following these simple steps, property owners, facility managers, and municipalities can save money on maintenance costs and create a safer and more pleasant environment for employees, customers, and residents. Let's dive in and discover how to apply granular dust control products for optimal results!

Understanding the Importance of Dust Control on Roads and Surfaces

Controlling dust is crucial for industrial, commercial, and even residential property owners to maintain clean and safe environments. Dust particles not only contribute to poor air quality but can also pose serious health risks and affect the overall appearance and functionality of a road surface. Dust can impair visibility, cause respiratory issues, and damage equipment and machinery. Additionally, excessive dust can lead to erosion and the deterioration of surfaces, increasing the need for costly repairs and maintenance.

By implementing effective dust control measures, such as the application of products like calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, property owners and facility managers can prevent dust-related problems and save money in the long run. Control dust to reduce cleaning and maintenance frequency, minimize equipment breakdowns and repairs, and extend the life of roads and surfaces. Moreover, by using dust suppressors to keep dust out of the air, property owners can maintain a healthier and more enjoyable environment for employees, customers, and residents.

Properly applying granular dust control products is a crucial step in maintaining dust-free roads and surfaces. This step-by-step guide will provide you with the necessary knowledge and techniques to effectively apply granular dust control products.

Preparing for Application

Preparing for Application

1. Assess Your Dust Control Needs

Before applying granular dust control products such as magnesium chloride and calcium chloride, it is crucial to assess the specific needs of your commercial property or facility. Identify the areas prone to dust generation such as unpaved roads, construction sites, or parking lots, and evaluate the severity of the dust problem. 

Consider factors such as traffic volume, climate conditions, and the surrounding environment. This assessment will help you determine the quantity of dust control product required and the frequency of application, saving you both time and money by ensuring an efficient and targeted approach.

2. Select the Right Granular Dust Control Product

Choosing the appropriate granular dust control solution is essential for effective and cost-efficient dust suppression. Consider factors such as the type of dust (fine particles, heavy soil, etc.), the desired longevity of the treatment, and any environmental or regulatory considerations. 

Evaluate the performance characteristics of different products, including their binding capabilities, water solubility, and environmental impact. By selecting the right product for your specific needs, you can optimize the effectiveness of the treatment while minimizing costs associated with over-application or reapplication.

If you're worried you won't pick the right product, don't hesitate to get in touch with a professional who can help. Ninja De-Icer has a seasoned team of experts ready to educate and guide you to guarantee you get the right dust control solution for your needs.

3. Gather the Necessary Equipment and Materials

To properly apply granular dust control products, you will need the right equipment and materials. Gather the following items before starting the application process:

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, safety glasses, and dust masks.
  • Spreader or applicator equipment is suitable for distributing granular products evenly.
  • Shovels or rakes for surface preparation, if needed.
  • Sufficient quantity of the chosen granular dust control product based on your assessment.

By thoroughly assessing the situation and needs, selecting the appropriate granular product, and gathering the necessary equipment and materials, commercial property owners and facility managers can ensure a successful application process and effective dust control results.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Granular Dust Control Products

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Granular Dust Control Products

Step 1: Clean and Prep the Surface

Before applying granular dust suppressants such as sodium chloride, it is crucial to clean and prep the surface properly. Remove any debris or vegetation that may hinder the effectiveness of the product, and blow loose soil particles away. Sweeping the area or using a high-pressure washer can help remove dirt and dust particles from the surface. 

Additionally, it isessential to repair any cracks or potholes to ensure a smooth and even application of the granular product. By starting with a clean and well-prepared surface, you can maximize the effectiveness of the dust control product and achieve better long-term results.

Step 2: Calculate the Required Quantity of Granular Dust Control Product

To ensure proper application and cost-effectiveness, it is essential to calculate the required quantity of granular dust control products accurately. Consider the surface area that needs treatment and the recommended application rate provided by the manufacturer. By knowing the coverage area and the recommended amount of product per square footage, you can determine the quantity needed. 

Overapplication can lead to unnecessary expenses, while underapplication may not provide adequate dust control. Take accurate measurements and consult with the product manufacturer or supplier for guidance on the appropriate quantity to achieve optimal results. 

Step 3: Spread the Granular Product Evenly

To achieve uniform dust control, it is crucial to spread the granular product evenly across the surface. Use appropriate spreading equipment such as broadcast spreaders or mechanical spreaders to ensure consistent coverage. Our Ninja experts recommend starting at one end of the area and working your way across in parallel lines, slightly overlapping each pass to avoid gaps. 

Pay attention to corners, edges, and hard-to-reach areas to ensure complete coverage. By spreading the granular product evenly, you can maximize its effectiveness in suppressing dust particles and reduce the likelihood of uneven results or untreated spots.

Step 4: Use Appropriate Application Techniques

Step 4: Use Appropriate Application Techniques

Applying granular dust control products requires using the appropriate application techniques for the specific product and surface. Some products may require mixing with water or binding agents before application, while others can be applied directly. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure correct application techniques. 

Consider environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind conditions, as they can affect the application process and product performance. Using the right techniques and following the manufacturer's guidelines will help ensure optimal results and avoid product wastage or ineffective application.

Step 5: Ensure Proper Coverage and Penetration

After spreading the granular dust control product, ensure proper coverage and penetration into the surface. The granules should evenly distribute and penetrate the top layer to bind with the particles and prevent them from becoming airborne. Use rakes, brooms, or other tools to lightly work the granules into the surface, especially for loose or porous materials. 

This will help enhance the product's effectiveness and longevity by ensuring better adhesion and durability. Inspect the treated surface to ensure there are no areas with insufficient coverage or uneven distribution. Touch up any missed spots or areas that require an additional product for complete coverage. 

Step 6: Allow Sufficient Drying and Settling Time

After applying the granular dust control product, allow sufficient drying and settling time before allowing traffic or other activities on the treated surface. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the drying time, as it may vary depending on the product and environmental conditions. During this time, avoid any activities that may disturb the product or hinder its performance. 

Allowing proper drying and settling time will ensure that the dust control product can fully bind with the surface and provide long-lasting protection. This step is crucial to achieve optimal results and avoid any premature product failure or reduced effectiveness.

Best Practices and Tips for Effective Application

In the world of industrial and commercial property management, effective dust control is crucial for maintaining clean and safe environments. 

By following best practices and applying granular dust control products properly, commercial property owners and facility managers can save money and solve common dust-related challenges. 

This table provides valuable tips and insights on achieving efficient and cost-effective applications, resulting in significant cost savings and improved dust control effectiveness.

Best Practices How It Helps Save Money Estimated Cost Savings
Perform Site Evaluation Targets areas that require treatment, avoiding wastage $500 - $1,000
Use Proper Application Equipment Ensures accurate and efficient product distribution $200 - $500
Follow Recommended Application Rates Minimizes excessive product usage and reduces costs $300 - $600
Apply During Ideal Weather Conditions Enhances product effectiveness and longevity $400 - $800
Properly Store and Handle Products Prevents product degradation and eliminates waste $200 - $400
Schedule Regular Maintenance and Reapplication Extends the lifespan of initial application, reducing costs $600 - $1,200
Monitor Dust Control Effectiveness Identifies areas for improvement and cost savings $500 - $1,000
Implement Dust Control Training Ensures proper application techniques and reduces errors $300 - $600
Maintain Accurate Records Tracks usage, identifies trends, and optimizes product use $200 - $400


Implementing these best practices and tips for the proper application of granular dust control products can result in substantial cost savings. By evaluating sites, using the right equipment, following recommended rates, and staying proactive with maintenance, businesses can optimize their dust control efforts and achieve long-term financial benefits. 

Remember, each practice contributes to improved efficiency, reduced product waste, and enhanced effectiveness, ensuring a win-win situation for both the bottom line and dust control management.

Start Dust Suppression Now with Ninja De-Icer: Request a Quote for Effective Results

Properly applying granular dust control products on roads and surfaces is essential for maintaining a clean and safe environment. By following the step-by-step guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure the effective and efficient application of these products, saving you time, effort, and money in the long run.

Whether you're a commercial property owner, facility manager, or municipality, investing in high-quality dust control products, such as those offered by Ninja De-Icer, can significantly enhance the results. So, don't let dust and debris compromise your surfaces any longer.

Take action today, get a quote from Ninja De-Icer, and experience the difference that proper dust control can make.

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How do I determine the optimal application rate for granular dust control products?

The optimal application rate depends on various factors such as the type of product, weather conditions, traffic volume, and the desired level of dust suppression. Manufacturers usually provide guidelines or recommendations for application rates based on these factors.

Can I apply granular dust control products on wet surfaces?

It is generally recommended to apply the products on dry surfaces to ensure proper adhesion and distribution. Applying on wet surfaces may lead to ineffective results or uneven coverage.

Can I apply granular dust control products myself, or should I hire professionals?

While some individuals may choose to apply the products themselves, hiring professionals with experience in dust control applications can ensure proper techniques, optimal results, and compliance with environmental regulations.