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Is Calcium Chloride Ice Melt Safe to Use?

Is Calcium Chloride Ice Melt Safe to Use?

Justin Rollin

If you're a property manager, municipality, facility owner, or have a snow removal company, you're probably considering various ice melt options to keep surfaces safe and accessible. One popular choice is calcium chloride ice melt, but you might be wondering: is calcium chloride ice melt safe for concrete? 

In this article, we'll delve into the details and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision on calcium chloride ice melt. We're breaking down everything you need to know about calcium chloride ice melt so you can find out how you can maintain a winter wonderland without compromising safety.

Safety Considerations for Using Calcium Chloride Ice Melt

When it comes to winter ice and snow removal, many often turn to calcium chloride pellets for their effectiveness. However, it is crucial to consider the safety aspects associated with their use. 

In this table, we provide an overview of the safety considerations for using calcium chloride ice melt. By understanding its effects on plants, metals, and concrete, as well as potential skin and eye irritation and pet safety concerns, you can make informed decisions while keeping people safe.

Safety Consideration Description Benefits
Effects on Plants and Vegetation Calcium chloride can have a minimal impact on plants and vegetation when used as directed. Provides effective ice melting without causing significant harm to surrounding plants and vegetation.
Effects on Metals Calcium chloride can be quite corrosive to metals, especially when overapplied. Be mindful when applying close to metal buildings. Choose a product with a corrosion inhibitor added in order to help reduce the damage to your equipment.
Effects on Concrete Calcium chloride is safe to use on most concrete surfaces when applied correctly. Minimizes damage to concrete while effectively melting ice and snow.
Skin and Eye Irritation Direct contact with calcium chloride can cause skin and eye irritation. It is important to handle this with care and use protective measures. Can be safely used with proper handling and protective measures, minimizing the risk of skin and eye irritation.
Pet Safety and Health Concerns Calcium chloride can be harmful to pets if ingested in large quantities. Keep pets away from treated areas and clean their paws after contact. Provides a safer alternative compared to certain ice melt products, but precautions should still be taken to ensure pet safety.


The table above provides a brief overview of the safety considerations for using calcium chloride ice melt. Each aspect highlighted offers valuable insights into the potential effects and precautions associated with its use. 

If you are interested in learning about the topic in more detail and gaining a comprehensive understanding of each safety consideration, we encourage you to read further. 

By being well-informed, you can confidently choose the best snow melts that meet both your winter maintenance needs and the safety requirements of your surroundings.

1. Effects on Plants and Vegetation

While calcium chloride ice melt is primarily used for melting ice and snow on sidewalks and parking lots, it can actually have beneficial effects on plants and vegetation. When calcium chloride comes into contact with ice or snow, it releases heat, helping to melt the frozen precipitation and create a safer walking surface. As the calcium chloride dissolves and mixes with the melted snow it can also act as a source of calcium, an essential nutrient for plant growth.

By using calcium chloride ice melt, property managers can indirectly provide some nourishment to nearby plants and vegetation. The calcium in the ice melt can be absorbed by the soil, promoting healthier plant growth and enhancing the overall vitality of the surrounding greenery. This can be particularly beneficial in areas where calcium deficiency is common in the soil, as it helps replenish the nutrient levels necessary for optimal plant development.

It's important to note that while calcium chloride ice melt can have positive effects on plants and vegetation, it should still be used responsibly and in moderation. Avoid over-applying the ice melt directly on plants or allowing excessive runoff to reach sensitive areas. 

By following recommended application guidelines and considering the specific needs of your landscape, you can strike a balance between effective ice melting and maintaining the health of your plants and vegetation.

2. Effects on Concrete

Effects on Concrete

It's important to highlight calcium chloride's effect when it comes to corrosion protection and compatibility with concrete. Unlike some other ice melt products, calcium chloride is less likely to cause significant damage to concrete surfaces when used as directed.

Like rock salt, when applied properly, calcium chloride ice melt can help prevent the formation of ice and snow on various surfaces including parking lots, sidewalks, and steps. Its low corrosiveness makes it a favorable choice for those concerned about potential damage to metal structures, such as handrails, gates, and vehicles.

Furthermore, calcium chloride's compatibility with concrete provides an added benefit for property managers and municipalities. It has a lower risk of causing long-term damage to concrete surfaces, such as cracks or spalling. This makes it a preferred option for protecting concrete outdoor structures from the damaging effects of a freeze-thaw cycle during winter.

By considering the positive effects of calcium chloride ice melt, you can confidently use this product to ensure safe and effective ice and snow removal while minimizing concerns about potential damage to concrete surfaces. As always, it is advisable to follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for the proper application and usage of any ice melt product.

3. Skin and Eye Irritation

Calcium chloride ice melt, when used as directed, is generally considered safe. However, it's important to take some precautions to minimize the risk of potential skin and eye irritation. While calcium chloride is less likely to cause irritation compared to other ice melt products, it must still be handled with care.

To protect your skin and eyes, it is recommended to wear gloves and goggles when applying calcium chloride ice melt. These protective measures can help prevent direct contact with the product and reduce the risk of irritation. Additionally, avoid touching your face or rubbing your eyes while handling the ice melt.

If accidental contact occurs, promptly rinse the affected area with plenty of water to dilute the ice melt and alleviate any potential irritation. If skin or eye irritation persists or worsens, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

By being aware of potential skin and eye irritation risks and taking necessary precautions, you can safely use calcium chloride ice melt to effectively melt ice and snow, ensuring a safer environment while minimizing the potential for personal discomfort or harm.

4. Pet Safety and Health Concerns

Pet Safety and Health Concerns

When it comes to keeping your pathways clear and safe during winter, it's important to consider the well-being of our furry friends. While Calcium chloride may not be the first choice as a pet-safe ice melt, it is a significantly better option than traditional rock salt.

  • Paw Protection: Calcium chloride ice melt has the advantage of being less abrasive than some other de-icing agents, helping to protect animals' delicate paws from irritation and potential injuries caused by rough surfaces or sharp ice shards.
  • Enhanced Traction: By quickly melting ice and creating a liquid brine, calcium chloride ice melt helps to improve traction on slippery surfaces. This means that animals can walk more comfortably without the risk of slipping or straining their muscles, reducing the chance of accidents or injuries.
  • Reduced Chemical Exposure: Calcium chloride ice melt tends to have a lower toxicity level compared to some alternative de-icers. This can provide peace of mind for visiting pet owners, knowing that their beloved companions are less likely to ingest harmful chemicals when they come into contact with the treated areas.
  • Quick and Efficient Melting: Calcium chloride is highly effective at melting ice and snow, allowing for swift removal and minimizing the time your pets spend in contact with icy surfaces. This helps to reduce their exposure to cold temperatures and potential discomfort during outdoor activities.

By selecting calcium chloride ice melt over alternatives like sodium chloride, you can prioritize the safety and well-being of your pets while effectively managing winter weather conditions.

Proper Handling and Application of Calcium Chloride Ice Melt

Proper handling and application of calcium chloride ice melt are crucial to ensure its effectiveness and minimize any potential risks. Here are some guidelines for using calcium chloride ice melt safely and efficiently:

  1. Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions: Before using calcium chloride ice melt, carefully read the product label and follow the recommended application rates and instructions. Different brands may have specific guidelines, so it's important to adhere to them for optimal results.
  2. Wear protective gear: When handling calcium chloride ice melt, wear appropriate protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and boots to protect your skin and eyes from potential irritation. This will also help prevent any accidental contact with the product.
  3. Apply sparingly: Calcium chloride ice melt is highly effective, and using excessive amounts can lead to unnecessary waste and increased costs. Apply the ice melt sparingly, targeting specific areas where ice or snow buildup is a safety concern.
  4. Use a spreader: To ensure an even and controlled application, consider using a calibrated spreader designed for ice melt products. This will help distribute the calcium chloride granules evenly, reducing the risk of overapplication.
  5. Store properly: Calcium chloride is hygroscopic in nature, meaning it will absorb moisture from the air. For this reason, it is important to store calcium chloride ice melt in a cool, dry place, in a sealed container, away from moisture and direct sunlight. This will help maintain its effectiveness and prevent clumping or deterioration.

By adhering to these recommended handling and application practices, you can optimize the effectiveness of calcium chloride ice melt when it comes to melting ice and snow. This not only helps in achieving efficient results but also prevents wastage, ultimately saving you from unnecessary expenses. It is crucial to prioritize safety at all times and carefully follow the instructions provided by the product to ensure the best outcomes.

Why Choose Calcium Chloride Ice Melt?

Why Choose Calcium Chloride Ice Melt?

Calcium chloride ice melt is widely recognized for its exceptional effectiveness in melting ice and snow. Its unique chemical properties allow it to work efficiently even in extremely cold temperatures. Here are some key points highlighting the effectiveness of calcium chloride ice melt:

  1. Rapid Melting Action: Calcium chloride has a quick-acting formula that starts melting ice upon contact. It generates heat, which helps to accelerate the melting process and effectively eliminates snow and ice buildup on various surfaces.
  2. Lower Freezing Point: One of the significant advantages of calcium chloride is its ability to lower the freezing point of water. This property enables it to continue melting ice even in sub-zero temperatures, making it ideal for harsh winter conditions.
  3. High Melting Capacity: Calcium chloride snow melt has a high melting capacity, allowing it to tackle thick ice layers effectively. Its powerful de-icing properties enable people to clear parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, and other surfaces more efficiently and with less effort.
  4. Residual Effect: Another notable feature of calcium chloride is its residual effect. Once applied, it forms a brine solution that helps to prevent further ice formation and offers long-lasting protection against re-icing. This can help reduce the frequency of reapplications, ultimately saving you time and money.
  5. Versatile Application: Calcium chloride ice melt is suitable for various surfaces, including concrete, asphalt, and stone. If used properly it can be effective on multiple surface areas without causing significant damage or corrosion.

While calcium chloride ice melts for concrete are highly effective, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and apply them responsibly to minimize potential environmental impacts and ensure the safety of pets and vegetation in the surrounding areas.

Alternatives to Calcium Chloride Ice Melt

When it comes to choosing an ice melt product, you want to prioritize safety while also considering your budget. Calcium chloride is a popular option due to its effectiveness, but it's important to explore alternatives that can provide similar results. 

In this table we examine different alternatives to calcium chloride ice melt, highlighting their pros, cons, and costs helping you make informed decisions for your winter maintenance needs.

Alternative Pros Cons Cost
(per 50 lb bag)
Sodium Chloride (Rock Salt) Cost-effective Less effective at lower temperatures $4-6
Magnesium Chloride Effective at lower temperatures and more environmentally & pet friendly Can damage concrete if overused $7-16
Urea or Sodium Formate Chloride Free, pet friendly Less effective at lower temperatures $20-25/ 8 lb jug

By considering alternatives to calcium chloride ice melt, you can find cost-effective solutions that still offer effective ice melting capabilities. Sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, and chloride free products like urea or sodium formate all provide different benefits and drawbacks to be mindful of. 

Ultimately, selecting the right ice melt product ensures a safer environment without breaking the bank. It's essential to evaluate the specific needs, budget, and preferences to make the best choice for winter maintenance.

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Get Your Calcium Chloride Ice Melt from Ninja De-Icer Today!

When it comes to choosing an ice melt product, calcium chloride stands out as a top performer in terms of effectiveness. It offers superior melting power even in extremely cold temperatures, making it a reliable choice for many. While considering safety and cost-effectiveness, calcium chloride proves to be a wise investment for winter maintenance.

At Ninja De-Icer, we understand the importance of keeping your property safe and ice-free. That's why we offer a range of high-quality de-icing products, including calcium chloride ice melt, to meet your specific needs. Our team is committed to providing top-notch solutions that not only ensure safety but also help you save money in the long run.

Ready to experience the power of calcium chloride ice melt? Contact us today to get a quote and discover how Ninja De-Icer's extensive range of products can assist you in achieving a worry-free winter season. Trust the experts and make the smart choice for effective and efficient ice melting.
