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How To Deice A Parking Lot

How To Deice A Parking Lot

Justin Rollin

How to deice a parking lot may seem like an easy task… just push the snow off, right? It can be more complicated than that. When deicing or plowing a parking lot, take into account: 

  • type of lot
  •  size
  • surrounding landscape
  • number of entrances

Depending on these factors, vary your equipment size and the technique you are using. Ninja Deicer is a company that provides rock salt, ice melt, and liquid deicer to snow removal businesses in the MidWest area. They offer products to help you deice your parking lot. With their products and our guide on how to deice a parking lot, you’ll be all set.

The Basics

There are many steps you can take to prevent ice and to melt snowfall. Here are some steps to take whenever there is a snowfall:

  • anti-ice before the snowfall
  • continuously remove snow every few inches it falls so it does not compact
  • deice after the snowfall
  • only use salt deicer above 15 degrees
  • record everything to continue to improve technique

These tips are something to keep in mind for every snowfall, no matter the size of the storm. Read on for more steps you can take to deice a parking lot. In addition to parking lots, deicing techniques work well on sidewalks, driveways and roadways


Anti-icing is a proactive approach to preventing ice from sticking to the pavement. Anti-icing is a liquid deicer, but you use it before the anticipated snowfall. It is more cost-effective than deicer, and it can last up to several days depending on the weather.

Anti-icing is sprayed from a truck onto the surface of your parking lot. Anti-icing is a very effective snow and ice removal process.

After snowfall, deicing is a helpful tool. There are two types of deicers you can use on your parking lot. There is the most well-known type of deicer, salt. This deicer works well on parking lot surfaces because it won’t ruin it. This deicer is convenient and the most used because it is so affordable. Another type of deicer, which is the fastest working and longest lasting, is ice melt. It is a little more expensive than salt, but it is a stronger deicer. Deicing helps to remove snow or ice that has bonded to the pavement in your parking lot. Do not over-salt, or try to melt the snow with the deicer. Deicer is only to break the bond between the snow or ice and the pavement so that it can be plowed easier.

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Pre-wetting is a way to remove snow from a parking lot. Pre-wetting is getting dry deicing materials wet so that they are able to activate in time for you to deice. Salt can only melt snow once already dissolved. Pre-wetting saves surrounding landscape. By dissolving the salt first, it does not have the chance to travel to nearby vegetation and destroy it. Pre-wetting involves mixing liquid deicer into the salt. This creates brine to melt the snow or ice. 

How to Plow a Parking Lot

There are many techniques you can use to plow a parking lot. Often times, people take up plowing with no prior knowledge, and don’t know how to plow a parking lot. The first thing to do is to make sure you plow after every few inches of snow fall. This way there is not too much snow to plow by the time it is done. This also prevents the snow from compacting, making it impossible to remove. 

Another technique is to angle your plow, and to shovel the snow about four feet at a time. This may vary depending on the size of your parking lot and the amount of snow you are trying to clear. The size of the parking lot you are shoveling will determine your turning radius. It will also determine the size of the plow you can use. It is important to know the area you are clearing before you go, so that you do not have a plow too large for the space. 

For smaller parking lots, a smaller plow will allow for a tighter turning radius. For larger parking lots, a larger plow will get the job done better. The hardest technique used in plowing is stacking; which is how you pile the snow once you push it. It is important to be careful of landscaping, and plan where you will stack the snow before you plow it. Snow should be stacked onto grass, so that it will not flood the area. When stacking snow, be careful of vegetation. Make sure that the piles are not blocking any roadways, entrances, or mailboxes. Plowing is an important part of clearing your parking lot, and these tips will help you to do it right. 
